DTS Monitoring

DTS Monitoring

IT infrastructures and OT systems are the essential foundation of day-to-day business processes in almost every company. In the course of digitalization and Industry 4.0, not only the use of those processes but also our reliance on them will continue to increase. A major risk here is that a failure of the systems will cause significant losses in terms of time and money, and possibly even a standstill of all production and business processes. As an IT developer, we have therefore created DTS Monitoring. A modern monitoring system must be able to act as a central platform to process OT & IT events. Our DTS Monitoring, which has been on the market for over 20 years, provides partial or complete monitoring and diagnostics for your multi-site, IT-supported systems. You or the appropriate recipient receive(s) all relevant information and alerts at all times, not only to gain an overview of current conditions, but also to initiate appropriate countermeasures as quickly as possible.

Timo Butenkemper
Head of Sales - Cloud
+49 5221 1013-268 Contact
Stefan Seidel
Regional Director & Head of Sales - Technologies
+49 5221 1013-024 Contact


Developed in-house, manufacturer-independent

Monitoring of IT infrastructure, OT systems, production environments

Independent collection & evaluation of data and alerts

User-friendly web frontend with central dashboard & traffic light system

Display or timeline of current & past events and live view of systems, machines, status reports

Master-slave concept and full synchronization between sites & encrypted data transmission

“Stand-alone” installation or synchronization in a certified DTS data center in Germany, including DTS managed service

NMC: administration via multiple users or groups, including role & rights management with LDAP/Active Directory connection possible

The service

Our DTS Monitoring in detail:

Whether it’s for server, storage or network components, printers, sensors, PLCs or entire machine lines – our agentless, vendor-independent software independently obtains all the necessary information via a wide variety of protocols (SNMP, SSH, WMI, etc.), prepares it and evaluates it. Access to status and analytical data and control of the monitoring are arranged via a multi-client capable web frontend on each device. All the information is presented on a central, user-friendly dashboard.

A traffic light system is integrated into our solution. This clearly shows you the relevant status on the dashboard. It allows you to identify specific problem areas when thresholds are exceeded, for example, before failures occur. In case of emergency, automatic alerts are sent via different notification channels such as email, SMS, etc. Both the online dashboard and notifications reduce the need for permanent on-site monitoring. You define which systems are monitored and which measures are initiated in the event of a problem, including monitoring in the cloud.

An important feature in the industrial environment is the detection of different machine states by condition monitoring. This includes running times and environmental data, such as temperature, humidity, smoke and motion values. Condition monitoring thus enables you to perform proactive maintenance and repairs. In addition, collection of various items of data and states provides a historical record. You can use technical and commercial performance indicators to analyze certain developments, optimize processes and draw fundamental conclusions. It is also possible to define specific maintenance intervals for your production environment and to set up service contracts. The information is automatically sent to the relevant people.

DTS Monitoring significantly improves transparency and availability. You can identify and eliminate performance problems at any time. This not only increases the service life of IT-supported systems, but also enables you to react more quickly in the event of process or production-critical events. Especially in the context of Industry 4.0, you thus help to make production capacities significantly more flexible and, last but not least, optimize both your production steps and the entire value chain. Monitoring is implemented quickly and easily. In addition, integration of the solution and of new components or machines is easily carried out by means of modules comprising preconfigured templates. The DTS Network Management Center (NMC) add-on provides perfect management of your IT infrastructure.

We also offer you the option of monitoring as a managed service. In this case, we synchronize monitoring in one of the certified data centers of DTS in Germany and thus guarantee 24/7 monitoring “as a service”. In the event of a malfunction or when specified utilization limits are reached, we contact you immediately. If you wish, our technical staff can get directly involved in problem solving. Make the most of our centralized management, too. You can easily outsource maintenance, updating and support of the platform to us. In addition, there are other solutions and services that we can include, e.g. for faster response times or integrated IT security.

DTS Monitoring Basic
With DTS Monitoring Basic we offer you the option of dedicated HP IT infrastructure monitoring and preventive response. Up to 20 HP devices can be monitored simultaneously with our bundle. If required, we can of course provide you with several bundles. You specify what is monitored, whether it’s servers, storage, network components, or printers and copiers.

The solution is provided to you via a pre-configured hardware appliance. The data is then synchronized with one of our data centers. In this way, we ensure 24/7 monitoring and centralized management. We also provide technical support. In the event of a failure or malfunction, you will be notified directly by us. In addition, our certified technicians can replace defective parts the next business day based on your warranty or Care Packs. As an option, we offer 24/7 on-call service. If you wish, we can contact you immediately by telephone in the event of a failure or critical messages and initiate further measures.

The DTS Monitoring Managed Service is offered in 3 packages Bronze Silver Gold
Installation and configuration of the monitoring appliance (integration is done by the customer) x x x
Automatic message to the end customer from the monitoring system x x x
Forwarding of the message by the monitoring system to DTS x x
DTS informs the end customer using a predefined message chain and problem categorization/SLAs x x
Troubleshooting is carried out independently by the end customer x x  
DTS takes over the problem solving, according to predefined scope of services x  

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    Let's have a talk!

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    Timo Butenkemper
    Head of Sales - Cloud
    timo.butenkemper​@​dts.de+49 5221 1013-268
    Stefan Seidel
    Regional Director & Head of Sales - Technologies
    stefan.seidel​@​dts.de+49 5221 1013-024
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