Red Teaming Services

Red Teaming Services

One of the biggest challenges for any company is to gain transparency and clarity about its own explicit security deficits. Only in this way is it possible to check whether all security measures are intact and whether they offer sufficient protection. When it comes to the question “Is your company's resilience ensured in the long term?”, we at DTS are absolute experts.

With our unique DTS Red Teaming Service, we offer you continuous and individual cybersecurity assessments in which our experienced and certified IT experts slip into the role of an attacker. By simulating realistic and highly topical attacks, your company is continuously put to the test in order to uncover actual security gaps. Based on these continuous security analyses, a clear cybersecurity roadmap can be developed to significantly improve cybersecurity.

Alexander Wyrwol
Head of Sales - Cyber Security
+49 5221 1013-741 Contact


The DTS Cyber Security Researchers carry out the testing individually for the existing IT environment in varying depth. The testing is established as an OODA (observe-orient-decide-act) loop process in order to adapt the assessments to the corresponding security maturity levels in each cycle.

Monthly/quarterly engagements

... with individual assessment modules

Individual testing

... depending on the maturity of the customer

Quarterly consultation

... the upcoming test cases & their scope for the next cycle

MITRE ATT&CK framework

... as basis

Reporting platform

... with specific recommendations for action & re-testing options

Certified cybersecurity specialistsm

... for the execution of the red teaming

Secure access

... with DTS Identity Management & Multifactor Authentication

Provided as a DTS managed service

... from the German, certified DTS Cloud


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    Let's have a talk!

    Get free and easy advice.


    Alexander Wyrwol
    Head of Sales - Cyber Security
    alexander.wyrwol​@​ 5221 1013-741
    Cloud Portal

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    +49 5221 1013-032


    To open a ticket, simply email us with your technical issue:


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