DTS Blog

An era comes to an end: Ulrich Moeller, CFO of DTS IT AG, retires

When Gerd Duesdieker drew his attention to DTS in 1984 during his Sunday student job at the petrol station, Ulrich Möller probably never thought that one day he would not only be CEO, but also CFO of an international IT provider and manufacturer of security software. He started at DTS as a technician in 1986 - at a time when the company was still a system house for hardware and software, computers still had to be screwed together and the internet was in its infancy. Now another new chapter is beginning for him, as Ulli is taking his well-deserved retirement at the end of the month after more than four decades.


In the interview, he looks back on his many years at DTS and gives valuable advice, and not just to the managers of tomorrow.

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IT Blog

Technologies & IT Security 2025 - Part 2: Top 10 Security Hypes

New year, new top lists - Part 2 of our two-part special at the start of the year now follows. Instead of the general technology hypes, we are now looking at the IT security topics that will be our main focus this year. “Spotlight on” for the ten most important IT security priorities that will be in focus in 2025 in order to remain competitive and protected and to ensure holistic IT security strategies.

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IT Blog

Technologies & Cybersecurity 2025 - Part 1: Top 10 Technology Hypes

New year, new top lists - we also have an overview for 2025 of the IT topics that will shape this year and the developments in IT security that you should keep an eye on. Dynamism is inevitable, especially in the field of IT technologies. The IT world is developing rapidly and the year 2025 also promises exciting progress. In two separate blog articles, we take a look at what is to come or could come.

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Pfadfinder Immanuel Janssen
Faces of DTS

Between trees and bytes: Immanuel Janssen, Deputy Manager DC IT Solutions - Team Operations & Scout

Immanuel Janssen is where nature meets digitalization. He has been a volunteer leader in the youth work of the Royal Rangers for over 15 years. The Royal Rangers are an international youth association and part of the Federal Youth Organization of the BFP. In Germany alone, they have 26,266 members in over 440 active tribes. This contrasts with his “digital” job as Deputy Manager DC (Datacenter) IT Solutions - Team Operations at DTS, which mainly involves the secure processing of data.


In this interview, he tells us more about scouting and the similarities to his job in IT.


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IT Blog

Purple Teaming: the perfect fusion for modern cybersecurity

Let's face it, when it comes to cyberattacks, barely any company is “ahead of the curve”. In most cases, they merely react and essential security measures are implemented far too late or are no longer state of the art. If you don't just want to swim with or behind the wave, you need to proactively adapt to the threat landscape. Purple Teaming has established itself as an innovative strategy for precisely this purpose. The combination of Red and Blue Teaming is considered groundbreaking in IT security. We would like to explain why we see it the same way.

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IT Blog

The blockchain ... A new era?

Blockchain is now a tech myth. It is one of those IT terms that everyone has probably heard before. But only very few people know what it means. Yet in recent years, blockchain has developed into one of the most important technical concepts, going far beyond its original application for cryptocurrencies. We would like to explain what this technology is all about, why experts are talking about the potential for a “new era” and what possible applications exist today or tomorrow.

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IT Blog

Everything „as a Service“?

In the modern IT landscape a usage model has become established that not only significantly changes technical but also economic processes: “as a service”. This approach enables companies to use IT resources flexibly and as required instead of having to invest in expensive hardware, software or personnel expertise. But what exactly does “as a service” mean, what types are there and what specific opportunities does it offer companies? “As a service” explained briefly and concisely ...

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Faces of DTS

New missions, new targets: Stuwert Patterson, Senior Offensive Security Researcher & Ex-Military

He served 22 years with the Royal Corps of Signals, a unit of the British Army: As a Communications Systems Engineer, Stuwert Patterson has been on many missions, including in Afghanistan and Bosnia-Herzegovina. While still in the military, he taught skills and techniques for offensive cyber operations to new recruits at the Defence Cyber School of the UK Defence Academy.


In this interview, he reveals more about his time in the military and his path to DTS as a Senior Offensive Security Researcher.


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Digital Identities
IT Blog

Digital identities

Who are we in the digital world? What traces do we leave behind? Who accesses which resources, e.g. company data, when, how and from where? And above all: how secure are these data and identities? Digital identities have become an essential part of our daily lives, both for private individuals and for companies. We take a look at what digital identities are and what security aspects they entail.

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Start-up-Gruender Damian Bender
Faces of DTS

Tech meets handball: Damian Bender, systems technician & start-up founder

For Damian Bender, programming is not just a job, but a real passion. When his friends offered him the chance to help develop the software for an innovative handball start-up, the answer was clear: Absolutely! That's how the first code for the Handball Assistant - an app that helps handball teams to manage and analyse player and training data quickly and easily - was created at the end of 2022. Damian has also been rewarded for his efforts at DTS: starting as a dual student at our company, he joined the Operations team in the DC IT Solutions division this year as a Systems Technician.


In the interview, he talks about the balancing act between job and start-up as well as his dreams and goals.


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Cloud Portal

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