NIS2 with DTS

Get ready for NIS2!

The clock is ticking! NIS2 is getting closer and closer and many companies are getting anxious about the topic. The problem? NIS2 affects a large number of companies and is legally binding.

What exactly is behind the EU directive and what requirements are included? Are you affected and what are the consequences for you?

Non-compliance can result in severe fines. For this reason, we would like to use our expertise to help you develop individual packages of measures, design your IT security and secure your future "compliantly" - also for NIS2 and all from a single source!

Sven Rössig
Head of Information Security
+49 5221 1013-402 Contact

What is NIS2?

  • Binding EU directive
  • Applies to numerous companies & organizations from October 2024
  • New IT security measures & reporting obligations

What are the goals?

  • Higher level of cybersecurity in the EU
  • Uniform security standards
  • Framework for secure innovation & digitalization

Who is affected by NIS2?

  • Public & private organizations in 18 sectors
  • Organizations with at least 50 employees and/or at least €10 million annual turnover
  • Critical entities (according to CER directive), regardless of size

Requirements & Measures

Requirements according to NIS2

  • Asset management
  • Maintenance & recovery (business continuity & crisis management)
  • Vulnerability management
  • Integration of “state of the art” compliance measures
  • Risk management (effectiveness of security measures)
  • Incident management
  • Cryptography, especially for communication
  • Security of the supply chain (supply chain security)
  • Personnel security (education & training, access controls, authorization concept)
  • Registration obligation, reporting obligations, sanctions & liability

Necessary measures to strengthen IT

  • Business continuity: Backup management, disaster recovery, crisis management
  • Effectiveness: Specifications for measuring cyber & risk measures
  • Purchasing: Security in the procurement of IT & network systems
  • Incident management: Prevention, detection & management of security incidents
  • Communication: Secure voice, video & text exchange
  • Cryptography: Encryption wherever possible
  • Policies: Guidelines for risks & information security
  • Supply chain: Security in the supply chain
  • Access control: Use of MFA & SSO

NIS2 Workshops

Understanding NIS2

Ensure that there is a clear understanding of the objectives, requirements & implementation of NIS2

Development of implementation strategies

Joint development of strategies for the most effective technological and organizational implementation of NIS2 requirements

Ensuring conformity

Ensure a clear understanding of how to meet NIS2 requirements in their organizations & remain compliant at the same time

Raising awareness

Promote awareness of the importance of cybersecurity & NIS2 in the participating organizations to create a common security culture

Workshop NIS2

Increase understanding of NIS2 & current threats to information systems security | Communicate best practices for detecting, preventing & responding to security breaches | Collaboratively develop a complete security strategy

Workshop Risk Management

Providing a solid understanding of risk management in the context of NIS2 | Identification, evaluation & control of existing risk management measures | Proactive risk avoidance & management or implementation of risk management

Workshop Information Management System

In-depth exploration of the importance of ISMS & its critical role in today's business landscape | Fundamentals of ISMS | Illuminate the facets that make it an indispensable element for the success & integrity of organizations | Concrete strategies for implementation & optimization in your organization

Workshop for technical & organizational Measures (State of the Art)

Discussion about the synergy between technology & organization | Identification of suitable measures

Workshop State of the art

Raising security awareness | Analysis of suitable measures | Development of innovation potentials

NIS2 & DTS Cockpit


The features of our DTS Cockpit support you in fulfilling NIS2 requirements!

Implement compliance successfully & sustainably with THE
central 24/7 security operations platform.



NIS2 & DTS Identity


The features of our DTS Identity support you in fulfilling NIS2 requirements!

Implement compliance successfully & sustainably with one platform for all identities.


Let's have a talk!

Get free and easy advice.

arrange a conversation

Sven Rössig
Head of Information Security
sven.roessig​@​ 5221 1013-402
Cloud Portal

How to reach us:



To open a ticket, simply call our 24/7 hotline:

+49 5221 1013-032


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