DTS SafeNet Authentication Service

DTS SafeNet Authentication Service

Many employees use exactly one password, which is considered sufficient. However, passwords can be intercepted, read or hacked. Nothing then stands in the way of third-party access. With the cloud-based, market-leading DTS SafeNet Authentication Service operated from the redundant DTS data centers in Germany, we eliminate this risk and protect you from unauthorized access.

Dennis Heidebrecht
Deputy Manager Sales - Cyber Security
+49 2203 599-4911 Contact


Multi-factor authentication for remote protection, third-party access protection and protection of data, networks, applications & the cloud

Customized authenticators

Maximum convenience through extensive, simple automation

Provisioning from redundant, certified DTS data centers in Germany

DTS Helpdesk & 24/7 support

Minimum cost for licenses & tokens, licensing per user & month

OPEX costs

Many years of experience

The service

Our DTS SafeNet Authentication Service in detail:

Many organizations fail to consider the total cost of ownership of their authentication solution. Instead, decisions are strongly driven by procurement costs. However, it is primarily investments in infrastructure and management overheads that determine the total cost of a solution. Reducing these cost items would also reduce the total cost of ownership accordingly. Cloud-based services are increasingly becoming an integral part of businesses for this reason. They reduce costs and management overheads while improving flexibility.

Using our market-leading, cloud-based 2-factor authentication solution, you secure the identity credentials of all users, for every device with network access and for every application using a combination of two independent factors. If you want to withdraw cash, you need a card and a PIN. With our solution, you also identify yourself with a password and an additional, flexible token option, tailored to your needs and wishes. You have hardware, software, multi-platform tokens, SMS or token-free options to choose from. The solution also offers vendor-independent token integration with comprehensive APIs. Of course, the appropriate token is also available on a rental basis and it can be passed on to another user at any time. With easy rollout, simple reconfiguration and an unlimited lifetime, there are suitable authenticators for every type of user. If a token is lost, a temporary software authenticator is quickly issued. With quick migration to the DTS cloud environment, you do not need any additional hardware.

The comprehensive automation of the SAS also significantly reduces the work involved in provisioning, administration, authentication rules and user and token management. Automated policies, including for pre-authentication and exception-based management, provide intelligent authorization and real access control, as do alert settings.

Further user satisfaction is provided by comprehensive self-service functions, push & pull of soft tokens and token-free methods. You can also generate automated reports for IT compliance, audits, accounting, or to meet key security standards such as SOX, PCI and HIPAA. There are no additional or hidden costs.

At DTS, we provide you with a service that uses infrastructures with high availability. Background resources reinforce effectiveness and user satisfaction by minimizing disruptions and outages. In our case, this includes a fully redundant architecture with maximum performance, availability and replication of core data. Active and permanent monitoring of the systems also ensures effectiveness, uptime and performance.



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    Let's have a talk!

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    Dennis Heidebrecht
    Deputy Manager Sales - Cyber Security
    dennis.heidebrecht​@​dts.de+49 2203 599-4911
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