Not perfect, but always better
Unfortunately, even the best AI does not guarantee that the information it uses is error-free or that the final result is flawless. ChatGPT makes this fact look very different as a matter of course. However, this is not a bad thing, as the corresponding mechanisms can be further optimised and are being worked on successfully at full speed.
Attack methods with the help of ChatGPT
Exploitation by hackers is a different matter. This is not about trivial offences. We are talking about concrete attack methods such as spam, phishing, malware or ransomware. How does this work? By hackers using ChatGPT to create and replicate attack techniques or even identify weak points, even without much prior knowledge.
ChatGPT can develop and debug code, scripts or entire software. The policies and filters of OpenAI are often incomplete here. The generated code can also be created by the chatbot in multiple versions if desired. This is how polymorphic malware is created. It is often unrecognisable for signature-based IT security software. In addition, content for dangerous emails can be generated more quickly and easily, without major language barriers. This makes fraud more effective and the methods more credible.
For example, business email compromise is used to trick an employee into believing that a superior or customer is ordering certain actions. Typically, a significant monetary transaction can be initiated in this way. Identities can be imitated by AI better than ever before. The door to social engineering is open.
Holistic platforms & services as the answer
The areas mentioned are just a few examples of the many ways in which AI and ChatGPT can be utilised for cybercrime. AI will certainly also increasingly help to ward off threats or strengthen defences in the future. Nevertheless, the specific case of ChatGPT once again highlights the need for holistic platforms, services and processes to ensure the highest level of IT security.
Our recommendation:
DTS Cockpit combines our outstanding security operations platform with a 24/7 service. It bundles and orchestrates vendor-independent security solutions, makes the IT landscape transparent and enables centralised actions. Machine learning, AI and automation are just as much a part of the DTS Cockpit as real, physical, highly professional DTS SOC experts. We have found the best possible mix to monitor, analyse and control everything around the clock. In addition, we continuously identify security gaps in our Continuous Offensive Security Service add-on, which is unique in the industry, and constantly develop the customer's security level with clear roadmaps.