Since 2015, DTS has not only provided managed services to Holtzmann & Sohn GmbH, but also advises us in many areas, such as security workshops, PoCs and license consulting. Holtzmann & Sohn GmbH uses innovative IT security solutions and modern multi-cloud technologies. In addition to managed security services in the endpoint area, support for administration of firewall services and server infrastructures as an on-premise variant, DTS is always on hand to provide advice as a cloud solution provider.

The advantages to us from hybrid infrastructures and collaboration with DTS: innovation, ensuring and optimizing IT security compliance & security awareness, optimizing resource utilization, knowledge transfer.

Cloud Portal

How to reach us:



To open a ticket, simply call our 24/7 hotline:

+49 5221 1013-032


To open a ticket, simply email us with your technical issue:


Web frontend

Enter new tickets in the web frontend, view and classify all open tickets etc.

Remote support

Enables remote connections to your endpoints:

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Current information about DTS, our products, events and other news about the entire group of companies.

DTS in general


DTS Systeme Muenster


DTS Cloud Portal

The DTS Cloud Portal is our platform for you to easily and flexibly add and manage your DTS Cloud products and services. The intuitive platform allows you to configure selected products individually and thus adapt them exactly to your requirements.