Is your company ‘IT-ready’ for 2024?

Security & health checks and audits: The basics as a first step

A security check verifies whether a company is protected against potential threats. This can involve checking networks, software, locations or other aspects. A health check, on the other hand, refers to the assessment of the general condition or performance of infrastructures, IT systems or applications. In this way, weak points can be recognised at an early stage.

In an IT audit, IT systems, infrastructures and processes are checked for compliance. Here too, the assessment helps to identify problems and make recommendations. All of this provides an important basis for initiating primary corrective measures and obtaining an overview of the situation.


Penetration tests, assessments & purple teaming: concrete attack scenarios to strengthen defences

Penetration Tests, Offensive Security Assessments & Services and Purple Teaming go one step further. As part of these methods, real attacks on your IT systems are carried out or simulated. The result is real resistance to actual, targeted attacks. Through tests and assessments, you can ensure that your security precautions are effective and that potential security gaps are disclosed in good time and rectified in clear roadmaps. They also form the perfect foundation for a holistic security strategy. This is because, if implemented regularly, your security measures will be continuously optimised. This collaborative approach enables a better understanding, more precise protection and consistent defence.


Workshops: training & solution concepts from real experts

Workshops don't ‘just’ impart the necessary specialist knowledge. They bring the great added value of providing space to develop very specific strategies. Taking individual requirements, dependencies and wishes into account, key cornerstones can be created. Whether cloud workshops, infrastructure workshops, security workshops, one-day workshops or deep dives lasting several days - analysing the current situation and then developing customised ways and means are essential.

Security awareness training: building a human firewall

‘In addition to the strategic level, it is also essential to consider the operational level. Especially in the area of IT security, the training and development of employees is crucial. However good the concepts and solutions may be, the ‘human factor’ must be your strongest firewall. Only in this way can a company be truly protected against internal and external threats in the long term. Every employee should be aware of the current threat situation and have an awareness of the dangers, which in turn significantly reduces the risk of security incidents.


Expert advice: indispensable expertise

There is no alternative to expert advice and working with trustworthy, reliable partners. An experienced IT partner can get you to your goal much more effectively, provide you with targeted support and, ideally, deliver everything from a single source, including the right solutions and services.

If your partner has a strategically sound, holistic portfolio, advises you proactively and supports you with managed services, your path to future-proof IT will be much easier.


Our tip:

The need to take IT measures, adapt strategies and concepts and make your own IT significantly more ‘ready’ for all requirements is often recognised by decision-makers. However, the hurdle is often too high. What weak points does the company actually have? Where should you go deeper? What has priority? What do guidelines require from the company? What are the current cyber risks?

We pick up the thread for you, because that's exactly what we specialise in. As genuine tech experts with a clear vision of solutions and 40 years on the market, we are happy to accompany you on your entire IT journey. We are also happy to provide checks, assessments, workshops, training, further advice and support and holistic all-in-one services that are also easy on the budget and human resources. ‘IT-ready for 2024’? We think beyond that, we think ‘One Step Ahead’!








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